None Dare Call It Conspiracy[NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY][Paperback]


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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Very well written, very interesting, and well researched. What I didn't like is that in the Kindle edition there are charts, graphs, photos, etc. that should have been included right along with the text. As it turns out, while reading one must skip elsewhere in the book time after time. That becomes very annoying and breaks up any meaningful continuity of the read. (I chose not to take the time often). There are also too many misspelled words, incomplete sentences, and other errors. Better proof reading in the Kindle edition would have caught these and improved the entire book. I assume the print edition is a better read without all the problems noted. This is still a worthwhile collection of ideas.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anita brooks kirkland
This book identifies the real culprits in the decline of our nation and the rise of the Marxist mindset, gun control, and all the rest. It is, without a doubt, the bankster cartels AND their corporate lapdogs who support in every case the candidates who run on a conservative platform and maintain a conservative persona, but everything they do is exactly the opposite. The book is well-documented, and breath-taking in the political congames it reveals. Did you know that capitalists backed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia? Did you know that everything Richard Nixon did politically was one hundred and eighty degrees from his political image and platform? There is so much in this book you almost have to draw charts on a white board to keep track of who is doing what to whom. In fact, charts are included, but they are so small and hard to read on the Kindle they are almost worthless. Remember one very important statement: I don't remember if it was mentioned in the book or not, but the book certainly verifies the truth of this statement: FDR once famously said, "Nothing ever happens in politics that isn't planned. If it happens, you can bet it was planned to happen." This book documents the truthfulness of that statement and this one: Don't ever believe what you see in politics is the endgame or is even actually what it purports to be. All politics is a sham designed to advance the agenda of international elitists who want control of everything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa carver
For 2016, this book feels somewhat dated with the scare of communism and the socialism ideas that existed in America from the 50's, 60's, and going into the 70's when this book was written. Still the information in here is very real and pertinent to our day, the only difference is the "insiders", since this book was written, learned to disguise their deeds through "corporatocracy" (to use the term from John Perkin's book Confessions of an Economic Hitman) and in the name of free enterprise.

The book isn't long, and should be required reading in our schools along with reading and understanding our constitution. The book goes into details about our America's history up till the book was published, why and how things really have occurred in our country that you won't find in our school books and class rooms. The book has less to do with our political parties in America, and more with explaining why all our presidential administrations tend to do the same which the previous administrations do with regards to military spending, war, and increasing our national debt.

The author does a great job of connecting the lines of names of people, with dates, and involvement of organizations and or government positions.

The book does make an interesting read and do recommend this book to anyone who loves This country of ours.

On a side note, I'd love to see a current update of this book from the author if it was possible as I believe so many more things have happened since the 70's which most of us have been around to witness in our country, but our media and news hasn't reported correctly - yet we can feel in our gut that more is happening in the background that doesn't feel right.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Reprint) (11/15/71) - By Gary Allen :: The Buddha in the Attic (Pen/Faulkner Award :: When the Emperor Was Divine   [WHEN THE EMPEROR WAS DIVINE] [Paperback] :: When the Emperor Was Divine :: And Stand Out From The Crowd - Get New Customers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having researched the New World Order for the past 12 or 13 years, after an old Ham Radio friend convinced me that what I was taught in college was NOT the truth, I have read a great many books on the subject. I had heard of this book many years ago, but acquired and read it only recently as I thought a book written in the 1970's (as this one is) would be out-of-date. However, I had been convinced that it was considered a classic in the field and, after reading it, it seems apparent that much of the information is still relevant today. None Dare Call it Conspiracy covers two topics rather well: the banking scam known as "The Federal Reserve System"; and the "Council on Foreign Relations", which is really the main group of evildoers who are conspiring to overthrow the United States and institute world government. The book does not reveal any Jewish or Zionist plot, which is probably its main shortcoming since this is an important component of the New World Order (read Michael Collins Piper's "The New Babylon", and you'll get the picture). However, this book was groundbreaking in its day, and is still a worthwhile read for anyone who wants to begin to understand what went wrong in this country...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very informative book, it answered a lot of the questions that I had and was very succinctly and clearly written. For only a hundred and eleven pages, it does a great job of enlightening the reader, in my opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonya killingsworth
None Dare Call it a Conspiracy was a favorite amongst the anti-Viet Nam war movement and conspiracy theorists of an earlier generation. The book tries to explain and examine the powerful economic forces that brought the U.S. to war in southeast Asia in the 1960s and 1970s. It tries to demonstrate that it's more than just political blundering and other mis-steps that brought about the Viet Nam War; that it was in fact a coordinated conspiracy by the American elites for profit.

Since this book was published in the early 1970s, the conspiracy of the rich has shown it's ugly face many many times. From the 1980 hostage crisis in Iran, in which the plutocracy made a deal with the Iranians to keep Americans in captivity until after their man Reagan was elected, to the Gulf War in 1991, which was a well coordinated and designed war from start to finish. The conspirators built Saddam Huessein up, just to tear him down again, as an excuse for more war profits and to control the region's oil supplies. Now, we have organizations like Project for a New American Century, who have spoken of the need for a new Pearl Harbor, and once again conspired to bring the U.S. to war in the Middle East for profits and oil.

Next time you're wondering why so much is neglected in this country, while we spend $150 Billion on overseas war, read None Dare Call it a Conspiracy. It will answer this question and more about how the U.S. is little more than a launching pad for the wealthy elites in their quest to control the world's resources.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is American History at its grimest. The first 50 pages of this were very tough to get through but after that it zipped right along. Other books that really flesh out the History of the start and causes why America is in serious trouble now are "American Betrayal" by Diana West and "FDR, My Exploited Father-In-Law" by Crutis B. Dall, also available through the Taken together, these books give a good foundation of truth about our past and a serious concern about our immediate future. These books all deal with "Unrevised History" and help interested Americans to learn some of the truth, stripped of the propaganda and outright lies that are the "Party Line" concerning the 20th Century. A good DVD on some of this is "America" by Aaron Russo (deceased) available on DVD. I find it interesting that most of this material is still unknown to most Americans who are effected by it every day and that a lot of it took about 70 years to dig out from under layers and layers of secrecy. Makes me wonder what is happening right now that we won't find out about for another 70 years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book an eye opener, nothing in the world just happens, there are no accidents in politics.
Those who try to bring to light, are called conspiracy theorists. If there isn't a conspiracy why does the government of United States continue to follow the plan for Communist conquest of America. The Book of Mormon warning of the secret combination that seeks to over throw the freedom of all Nations, is here. See Either chapter 8. God has warned the people spiritual darkness in high places. Turn to Christ and live.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie avelar
A great book that raises many legitimate questions not only for the time it was written but still holds true even today. This book is a timeless classic and is a must read book for anyone who is interested in the history of the 20th century. This book has tons of information in it as well as being an excellent example of deductive reasoning. Even for a literature or marketing teacher this book is a must read as your attention will be caught in the first 2 chapters and each additional chapter builds upon the one before it.

- Lots of material
- Lots of History
- Well written
- Great transition between chapters.

- Cannot think of any.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael worthington
Yep, for all who have that nagging feeling that things are too socialist, should read this book, it may have been written in the early 70's but the endgame is still the same just the cast of characters has changed with time. Please, please read this book you won't be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yep, for all who have that nagging feeling that things are too socialist, should read this book, it may have been written in the early 70's but the endgame is still the same just the cast of characters has changed with time. Please, please read this book you won't be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carolyn weiss
Great book. Super interesting. I bought the electronic version and unfortunately they used a poor OCR scanner to create the electronic version. Some of the text was hard to read and I had to guess on the words. Also the charts didn't appear. I would have given the book 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book should be read by every American citizen. It opened my eyes... We must be prepared for the changes that are in our government and destroying our freedom, or we must do something to stop them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pam peterson
This None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allan is an Early classic in the conspiracy theory area. It is a good starting place for anyone that is interested in getting some of the truth as to just how the fallen corrupt world cosmos system works. In this one its centered on Oil. It is well worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yol nda
This is the "Bible" for conspiracy theorists. If you read this, then whatever else you read in your travels thru the internet/matrix will begin to make sense. If you are curious or want to be better informed this is a very small book and a fast read but absolutely vital to get how the leadership on this planet hangs together.
If this kind of thing is scary or silly to you, then stop reading this and go back and watch some more TV. I'm sure the media people will keep you safe and warm in the event of any crises like Katrina, 9-11, etc. The Government is such a fine steward of public safety you won't need to understand any of this. Yeah right!
Read THIS book even if you read nothing else in this area.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lesley henderson
If you believe in prophetic teaching you should read this book. The author was ahead of his time as the tell tale signs
are much more prevalent today. This book reveals some of the master plan for the coming new world government (New World Order). Many people are oblivious or ignorant of what is happening behind the scene in the political realm and why it is taking place in the today. The rehetoric is somewhat above blue collar but can still be understood in the content. For a spiritual approach study the book of Daniel and Revelation with other books of study about them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth eva
If you've been skeptical about todays accusations of conspiracy within our government, read this book and just remember what kooks these folks were considered for speaking out. History has justified the content of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam carter
Even thought its 40 years old, the information in this book is so timely. He blows the lid off of the power players behind the scenes and gives the expanded context of why our political structure has become so corrupt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debra chiplin
Excellent book! I have been looking for this particular book for quite awhile. the store had it in decent condition -- it is currently out of print. It contains anything and everything you need to know about the shadow government elites running our government.
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